Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store.Do you think it is positive or negative development?
convenient for consumers,especially for those living in small town and the countryside
cost efficient,cheaper goods
cannot feel or taste
over consumption
safety of transaction
The Internet has changed our lifestyle in many aspects since its invention and online shopping is one of them that we hug with great passion.These days,Tao Bao,an integrated online shopping mall in China,has showed the power of E-business by selling commodities at the worth of billion Yuan in one single day.
The emerging virtual shopping is so welcomed for some reasons.It is so convenient that consumers do not have to step out of the door to do any shopping.This is especially a revolutionary change for those living in small towns and remote areas where material provision and variety is insufficient and cannot compare with major cities.A virtual shop transcends geographic limits,narrowing the gap between the city and the country.Other benefits of distance shopping include more affordable products as a result of exclusion of store lease which can be a major cost for shopkeepers based in a large city,especially in a business center.
However,E-commerce is not perfect,but has some flaws.It is limited to those products that we do not have to feel or touch or taste or smell before making our purchase decision.For example,most of us prefer to try before they buy a pair of shoes or some food.The cheaper price can also be a negative influence on the environment because over-consumption can be greatly stimulated,which is one source of household wastes and manufactory pollution.Some consumers are concerned about the safety of payment.After all,paying by online transaction is more dangerous than by cash or by card in person.
Overall speaking,shopping in a virtual world is a convenient option,facilitating buying and selling.The side effects should not be attributed to information technology itself which is just a tool and it is how we use it that determines whether it is positive or negative.